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Saturday, June 1, 2013
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Fashion: An Evergreen Movement

Today more than a half of youth is influenced by a term that is probably heard by everyone, it is Fashion. It’s an appealing and manipulating course. In India almost every school has uniforms, so when a student joins a college, he really gets excited because he can now be very much casual with his clothes. Fashion is always in demand by the college students.

The trends can change in weeks, new things come and go, and fashion is ever-changing. Let it be the orientation day, fresher’s party or a theme based function; Fashion always plays the biggest role here. On the orientation day, it comes about first impression, on fresher’s party it’s like a fashion parade while theme based parties are all about a particular pattern presented in different ways.How does fashion generates new designs, new ideas? There are various designers; the glamour world is big enough to convey a new thrilling trend. If a movie star puts on stylish glasses, a classy shoes and a trendy watch, hence the new fashion is created. Also fashion changes with season, with occasions and sometimes with 

If it’s chilling cold outside, the elegant jackets, mufflers and boots can be seen. If it’s a pool party funky t-shirts, glasses and spikey hair are the preferences. Change in hairstyles is again a fashion. Sometimes it’s a long-plated style, after a couple of months it is pointed Mohawk. Changing hair colour, hair streaks, tattoo, body piercing, and this all is a fashion trend too. Take any pop star; you must have seen them in black-pink-green-blue hair colour. Sometimes you may see people who experiments the same because they are fashion-maniacs. Tattoos and body piercing are again a very funky trend, mostly seen with the people in music-industry. An American pop sensation who got married in India itself has a tattoo on her right biceps which is in Sanskrit. 

The fashion influences everyone, it helps in many ways but sometimes being too much fashion crazy can turn unfortunate too. It is a thing which creates a strange relation with the youth and it can never be vanished from the world. 

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People generally have butterflies before their first interview. It is pretty normal to have them yet maintain your confidence. If you are preparing for your first job interview, never underestimate yourself. The interviewer is not sitting there as a surgeon. He is there to bring out the best in you, to explore what you have that could benefit his company. Just be yourself in front of him/her but do put your great mind at work simultaneously.

The first thing judged in you when you walk into the interview room is how you are dressed up. The personality plays a vital role in determining this. Never be in funky clothes and do not dress up loud just to sow that you are in sink with the fashion. It is an interview, not a night party. Be in formals. Never have untidy and long hair which would make you look shabby. Your shoes must be clean and polished. The clothes must be well ironed. For girls, it is very important that your hair do not hang loose upon your forehead. Tie and clip them up!

Never ever be late for your interview. If you are late for this only, you could never be on time for your job. This would give the interviewer a very bad impression.

Be confident. Portray a good attitude of mixing up with the people. Ask the interviewer before you have a seat. Remember, the initial questions would be simple and easy. So never ever presume that the interviewer would directly come to your qualifications and achievements. As this pre-planned presumption would stammer you up.

The interviewer can start it by asking you about you. Be prepared for this. Do not take the 10-20seconds’ goof up interval between the question asked and your answer. This comes upon you as a blank question, where you can fill the most of it and can either make it or break it.

Be fluent in your answers. Identify the needs and the wants of the interviewer and answer accordingly. Show your best suited traits for the wants they have. Never waste the precious time in answering what is not related to what the job demands. Be to the point and do not confuse the interviewer with your mixed response. You may even ask the interviewer politely about what he is finding in an interviewee so that you can put forward it without wasting the time. Once you get to know it, justify yourself for it.

It is highly very important to prepare yourself a day before your interview. Be relaxed and create a small list of the material you would need and carry with you. Arrange your papers well in a file. Carry your appointment letter with you and do review your CV well. Sitting before a mirror and rehearsing yourself is a good way to boost up your confidence and answer well. Never reflect that you are nervous. Feel free to ask the interviewer if you have any queries.

Another thing containing weightage is how well you sit in an interview. The sitting positions have a lot more to say and portray as you can imagine. Sit firm. Do not cross your legs or fold your arms as it is a sign of nervousness. Always keep your elbows on your laps as it signifies openness and broadness. Do not drag the chair while sitting and leaving. Place it back when you get up. Walk confidently and do not slam the door. When you go out of the room, do not make any noise or even a sigh sound of it getting over. This establishes a very negative impression. Stay disciplined.

The interview appointment does not give you a sure shot job. Do not lose your hope and try till you succeed. The future has a lot in its store for you.

After all it is your first impression, you need to show a good blend of confidence, skills, behaviour, personality traits, and a good attitude to the fast changing dynamic environment.

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Top 10 Money Saving Tips for College Students

Heading to college would mean heading towards a transition- A transition from the cocooned high school student to an independent and confident individual. At the helm of it is monetary planning. Handling of finances allotted for college tenure would be quite a strain on the child. One may want to enjoy, or one may want to ‘live’ their college years. Here is a list of 10 concise and to the point money saving tips for all those headed to their wonderful college years –

1. Managing Money: Given that college days brings with it freedom, the urge to spend would be at its pinnacle. Reconsider such thought. If you play it safe, you can avoid the sort of financial troubles that plague many young adults. Make an excel spreadsheet and track your expenses.

2. Organization and Planning: Plan out how much you spend each month. Categorize which are essential/ necessary expenditure and which of it is discretionary. Fixed Mobile bills, Transport costs are all that cannot be cut out on. Whilst others inclusive of eating out, are excess and must be kept to a minimum.

3. Campus Life: There are so many points which could be modified in one’s general campus life that could lead to a lot of savings, as listed – buy used textbooks, don’t hang out with big spenders, take advantage of campus activities.

4. Become Frugal: Always be on the lookout for time tested ways of saving money- be it taking public transport, saving on entertainment costs, reduce eating out costs among other things. Prefer home cooked food if you are travelling everyday rather than hoping onto the canteen stalls. If this seems too far a compromise on social life, make a plan where you could alternate between home food and canteen food.

5. Start a savings plan: Set aside a fixed amount to ensure surplus in case of emergencies. Do not always stretch your wallet. Those sudden medical expenditures could burn a hole in your pocket.

6. Prefer College Hostels: Living outside college turns out to be an expensive option in the first year as none of the students know each other too well. Hostel fees are always comparatively cheaper given that meals are included in the same.

7. College Discount Programmes: Watch out for these! There are a lot of discounts and programmes for those attending college. Be it transport or eating out, keep your college ID card handy and research to pick places with the best discounts for college students.

8. Scholarships: Scholarships should become an integral part of one’s study targets. This could help save quite a sum over the whole duration of study. Research various avenues to attain scholarships. There are aplenty in India which have been established to help those under financial strain.

9. Reduce Entertainment Spending: While this may be harsh for someone heading to college to enjoy their lives, the fact portrays a different picture. College is a preparation- While this may be harsh for someone heading to college to enjoy their lives, the fact portrays a different picture. College is a preparation.

10. Part Time Jobs: What good is it when ‘knowledge gained’ doesn’t ever convene to ‘knowledge applied’? Hunt for part time jobs which would further complement your field of study and also add onto the financial kitty that you have set for the month.

Following the given points would leave you well equipped for the turmoil that one may have to face in the future! College is nothing short of a roller coaster ride. To keep it running, would mean to maintain good financial health. Good Luck! 

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Monsoon makeover

The rains make it harder each time for women to set their hair or beautify their faces. But with some constraints being followed, you can achieve the look you want and no rain water can wash it away!

Eyes: Eyes define beauty of a woman. A nicely made-up pair of eyes can makes stars look like they're not shining! For starters, use water resistant kajal or eye-liner and highlight your eyes. If you want to look bold, then use metallic colors like green, blue, silver etc. Do not use eye shadow or kajal that can smudge! 

Lips: Try to keep it minimal. Don't use a lot of gloss. Use a nice dull shade of lip-stick that does not have sparkle or gloss, so that it just adds color to your luscious lips and not shine. Nude shades like baby pink, light brown might work wonders.

Face: Try not to use compact powder, because there are high chances the rain might destroy your make-up. Use a base cream that will make you look fresh and apply some talcom powder if you have oily skin.

Hair: Getting wet in the rain is always so much fun, except when you have long, brittle hair to maintain. Tie up your hair every time you step out in the rains and make sure you do not use hair products like gel, hair spray etc. Also, never comb wet hair or tie it up. Try not to use hair extensions during this season.

The monsoons are not very pleasant for those who like dressing up, but by keeping it minimum, you can always look perfect! The best make-up a girl can wear is her smile! So do not forget your gorgeous smile when you step out of your hood.

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Teen Love

They say they are grown up now. They say it’s not an attraction and assures that it is love. Teenagers are usually spotted at public places or even at the schools, holding hands or talking and behaving in such a manner that you can easily make out that they are committed. When I see such young couples, the question arises, “Are teenagers mature enough to fall in love and understand what relationship actually means?” It seems so funny when two kids feel for each other, spend little good time and think that they are in love. Spotting such so called love birds is even amazing at times. You get to see few today and then the same people with their partners changed a week later or so. High school relationships do not seem to be successful. They tend to last in a week or two. Few luckily date for a year or two but it’s very rare. May be it is continued because the two meet or see each other daily. But once you go out, meet people, have work, the things get changed.

Teen love is more of foolishness as well. If you are looking for your special someone, it doesn’t mean that you are truly in love with a person in a week or two. I feel loving someone is accepting him or her at the same time the way he or she is. But this teen type of love is based on something we call a ‘window dressing’. Looks matter a lot and the day that special one becomes fat or something, the so called lovers change their perceptions. But there are certain exceptions too. My best friend who had been waiting for her love (she started loving him when we were in 5th grade) is finally and happily committed with him. She used to cry badly earlier and when I would console her, she would se, “I am fed up dude. I just hate to be in love.” At time when she would become normal or consoled, she used to say, “If he comes back to me then only I will accept that he’s mine.”

But it’s life after all. This is the age when you actually don’t get to see the true picture of the practical life. Even some of you must have experienced this. Just recall your high school days and zoom into your world of fantasy. You will laugh at such childish things. Even if some of you are the teenagers, please don’t get disheartened. I am just kidding. I know what love is, a feeling which cannot be described in words, which is something beyond its meaning. I even understand your feelings. It’s completely alright if you date. But ever thought, whether you will be able to continue such relation even at the bad span of life? I am sure your answer will be yes but make sure before taking any further step that you stick to this answer of yours ever after. 

I used to hear different things from different people. My cousin once said, “It is childish. Teen love happens because of all the immature people. I won’t ever be like these insane people.” I feel it’s something very different to comment upon. We hear weird love stories and at times true love stories too. So in short, teen love can be successful if the young people get to know whether they actually love their special one or not. Or else it will remain more like a fantasy crush because it is hard to understand ‘love’ at this age.

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Dos and Don’ts of Interview

Job interview is the conversation between the employer and potential employee where the latter is evaluated by his responses and judged whether he is suitable for the position. Apart from the answers he gives, he is also evaluated based on the overall presentation, attire and body language. Here are some dos and don’ts for a successful interview.


1. Do prior research on the company and the exact requirements for that position and try to show it whenever apt.
2. Fill out the application form neatly.
3. Dress conservatively and be well groomed.
4. Arrive on time, preferably earlier by 15 minutes to settle down. But not too early to make you restless.
5. Offer a firm handshake.
6. Have self-confidence. Maintain eye contact throughout.
7. Prepare for the regularly asked questions like “Tell me about yourself”, “What are your strengths/weaknesses”, etc.
8. If a difficult question is asked, even if you are prepared with the answer, wait for a moment before answering.
9. Display a sense of humour whenever possible.
10. Ask for clarification if you don’t understand a question. In fact, this can even fetch you time to think.
11. Nod your head and be an active listener when they are saying something.
12. Always be positive.
13. Sit still in your seat with upright posture.
14. After the interview, thank the interviewers and express confidence even if you felt the interview did not go well.
15. After coming out, make notes which will help you in further interviews.
16. Send a thank-you mail to your interviewers.


1. Don’t show lack of interest or frustration.
2. Don’t be indecisive or contradict your own statements.
3. Don’t chew gum or smoke even before the interview.
4. Don’t lie or exaggerate. You would be in an awkward situation if verified.
5. Don’t give negative feedback about past employers. Just say that you are looking for a better work opportunity.
6. Don’t concentrate on the geography of the place and also do not have geographical restrictions.
7. Don’t talk about salary unless the topic is brought up.
8. Don’t use cell phones inside the office. Keep it in silent or switched off mode.
9. Don’t be soft-spoken. At the same time, you should not be over-aggressive either.
10. Don’t interrupt when the interviewer is speaking.
11. Don’t be nervous and show that you are desperate for employment.
12. Don’t give binary “yes/no” as the answer support it with a statement.
13. Don’t sit with your arms folded and legs crossed.
14.  Don’t ask “How did I do?” at the end of the interview.

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CAMPUS is the word that excites everyone. The change in life people wait for. Rather the most fun and frolic change. It’s the point where you can either make it or break it. You get a new chance to explore your abilities at every stage in college life. Be it studies, extra- curricular, sports, politics or even dramatics, college provides you a whole big platform to show it, enhance it and make a career out of it!

Being a student, you take part in different competitions, tournaments and educational trips. During this period, one learns and educates. You get a chance to go out with friends on trips and fun while exploring new places.

But is college JUST fun? Is it just a place to be free and enjoy? Will it likely be according to your assumptions?

Well, many students make expectations even before getting into the college. These expectations are often influenced by movies, television programmes or preconceived notions. The chances of college meeting these expectations are low! After all, there is certainly a difference between real life and reel life!

Moreover, not every student immediately adjusts during the initial stage of the college. If you find difficulties to adjust, you surely need to give yourself a little bit of more time and understand that changes occur to make you better.

You are certainly an incharge of your own time! For many students, college just means freedom. But along with this new fold freedom, responsibility follows. Being responsible means managing your time equally.

There are co-curricular activities that are needed to be considered but not at the stake of your academics. Ms Babli Moitra Saraf; Principal of IP College for Women, Delhi University said, “Bunking might seem to be fun, but at the end of the day you can buy a college but not the time of a class! Enjoy your classes! After all, it’s your time, once in a lifetime.”

This is exactly where the point lies. The first thing you would have to manage is your time! Time management is very necessary at the early stage of your college life, otherwise at the end of it you would be in a mess, a mess that would surround you and make you sink. Do you really want to run from here and there for notes? Do you want to be in the detainees’ list because of short attendance? Certainly, no one would ever want that to happen. For all of this you need to understand your time and schedule it properly.

Yes, college is fun and freedom. You might bunk some but make sure that you don’t bunk too many. Your teacher won’t have a loss anyway. It would be just you who would be suffering. Here are some tips for the freshers to be followed:

Always be calculative: Keep a record of your own attendance. This would make you careful regarding your attendance and would also help you to attain the margin required.

Manage your time: It is necessary for you to manage your time and prepare a time table. You might have classes on different timings every day. Keep in touch with your class representative and attend accordingly.

Be in a good company: The friends you make play a very vital role in your college life and also in the class. Always be in a company that is good for you. Be in touch with people who are worthy enough. This would make you enjoy your classes and study, thus having a good result.

Balance everything: Balancing is very important for you to live your college life. Excessive of bunking won’t help, so never make it a habit. Balance your fun, studies and extra-curricular activities.

Hold a good repo with your teacher: There are students who find it cool to disturb a teacher in between he/she is teaching. Trust me, it is NOT! Always try and establish a good relationship with your teachers. It would help you in your internal assessment marks. Moreover, they are not school teachers. They know what fun is!

Follow the basic class rules: If you have some class rules, follow them. Rules are made to be followed not broken.

Do not get too involved in college societies: There are universities that provide blind hours to the students on their special contribution to the reputation and the goodwill of the college. Be the exception of your college and make it proud but never get too much involved into the societies that you stop attending your classes. You might get the cultural leave but you won’t get back the class time and the knowledge shared.

With the do’s, comes the don’ts of behaving in a class. The most important thing you again need to note is to be aware of your surroundings. Again, BALANCE everything. Excess of everything is harmful. You need to be a mixture of sugar and spice together to be on the top. Follow the tips and make it happen easily.

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